Short bar height in 1/60th of inch (0.42mm) (minimum sizes apply)


Bar code in size 1 inch (25.4 mm): 60v


QRCode, Aztec

0 Normal
1 Reverse Video


Barcodes matrix height #1, Number of PDF417 per column before starting a new column (default:1) #2, Kept for future usage

Example: Up to 2 PDF blocks in height for MacroPDF417: 2v

PDF417 and Macro PDF417

PDF417 block maximum height and width
#3, Maximum width in dots for PDF417 block (in 600th of inch)
#4 Maximum height in dots for PDF417 block (in 600th of inch)


Barcode size #1, single line bar height in 1/60th of inch (0.42mm), same unit as fonts #2, Maximum number of rows for the Codablock symbol #3, Maximum number of columns for the Codablock symbol Example: Lines pointsize 20, 5 rows/20: 20, 8,10v

Data Matrix

Optional matrix size #1, Matrix columns #2, Matrix rows

Valid parameters: 8,18 8,32 12,26 12,36 16,36 16,48 10,10 12,12 14,14 16,16 18,18 20,20 22,22 24,24 26,26 32,32 36,36 40,40 44,44 48,48 52,52 64,64 72,72 80,80 88,88 96,96 104,104 120,120 132,132 144,144 Example: 12 by 36 matrix: 12,36s
p(banner tip). When the s parameter is not defined, automatic scaling is on


OMR mark length in 1/60th of inch (0.42mm) Example: 1 inch long OMR mark: 60v

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