Network Settings

BarDIMM Box acts as a transparent pass-through. It means the host still addresses the printer IP address on port 9100 (this is mandatory) and BarDIMM Box will process and enhance the PCL5 print flow to add the needed barcodes to the pages.

BarDIMM Box MAC address

The BarDIMM Box MAC Address and serial number is indicated on the bottom of the side label as barcode and text.
That barcode can be scanned to easily program the DHCP authorization.

Default network settings: DHCP

By default, the BarDIMM Box is set in DHCP mode. You can also opt for fixed IP network settings.
The default hostname is BarDIMM, ie BarDIMM88F490260323, it can be changed (read below).

Configuring the network settings using a USB stick

It is possible to configure multiple BarDIMM Box using a USB stick on which one configuration text file contains the settings for each of them (those settings can be identical of different for each BarDIMM Box). Using any raw text editor such as notepad, create a bardimm.conf configuration text file with at least one entry below.

For each BarDIMM Box to be configured by the USB stick, create a block with the following syntax.

Line content description and syntax
[MACADDRESS] The BarDIMM Box MAC address
pwd= <string> The BarDIMM Box USB access password. If the BarDIMM Box has never been used or has been reset, it becomes the new password, needed to configure the BarDIMM Box. Password must be between 8 and 25 characters.
newpwd= <string> If a password is active, that line present after pwd = <old-password> will define the new password authorizing the BarDIMM Box configuration. Password must be between 8 and 25 characters.
hostname= <string> <string> is the hostname to broadcast on the network. It will always be appended with the serial number of the box, default value is “BarDIMM” maximum length 51, only alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.)
netip= <ip address or dhcp> Specify “dhcp” or do not mention that line to keep the DHCP mode or enter an fixed IP address
netmask= <ip mask> Define the network mask only if the BarDIMM Box is not set to DHCP
netgateway = <ip address> Only for static IP, define the gateway IP address
netdns= <list of ip adress> Only for static IP, define all the DNS IP address separated by a space
netntp= <NTP IP or URL> The NTP time server IP address or URL
freescape= <string> The Freescape character activation: TILDA (~, default), QUOTE (“), HASH (#), DOLLAR ($), FSLASH (/), BACKSLASH (\), QMARK (?), OBRACKET ([), CBRACKET (]), PIPE ( |). Use OFF to deactivate FreeSCAPE

Example of bardimm.conf file for two BarDIMM Box

freescape = OFF

freescape = TILDE

The second BarDIMM Box, with MAC Address 88:F4:90:26:02:35 will be in DHCP and just the NTP, hostname and Freescape values will be set.
Both BarDIMM Box will use Xr9+2eOEnq3D!X as their password since that’s their first configuration.

To use the configuration file

  1. Format the USB flash drive to FAT32.
  2. Copy the bardimm.conf file to the USB flash drive.
  3. Switch off the BarDIMM Box.
  4. Connect the USB flash drive with the bardimm.conf file to the BarDIMM Box.
  5. Switch on the BarDIMM Box. The configuration file is automatically applied to the BarDIMM Box, it is permanent until the next change.
  6. Once the configuration completes, the status LED on the BarDIMM Box changes to a steady green light.
  7. Remove the USB flash drive.

Error codes during network configuration using a USB stick

Red LED blinks 4 time with 4 short beeps Printer MAC Address not found in the bardimm.conf file
Red LED blinks 6 time, with 6 long beeps The bardimm.conf file is corrupted/empty

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