Barcode technology provides an easy, inexpensive and highly accurate means of data entry and storage for computerized information management systems.

Item identification information (e.g., inventory control, work-in-process tracking, distribution tracking, and other materiel management) is the most common type of data stored in bar code systems.

The BarDIMM Pro products are intelligent modules adding the sophisticated BarDIMM language to a range of printers.
They add BARCODE printing and font, macro, logo, and storage capabilities.
The BarDIMM Box can be attached to any network printer with PCL5 language compatibility. BarDIMM Pro modules can be plugged inside most HP LaserJet printers.
BarDIMM is also available for Canon IR printers, as the Canon Barcode printing Kit-F1.
With BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box, it has never been so easy and so fast to print professional barcodes!

The BarDIMM Language supports complex high-density two-dimensional barcodes like PDF417 and UPS MaxiCode, Data Matrix, QRCode, Aztec and Codablock. Two dimensions mean the reading is performed both horizontally and vertically as information is encoded in both directions. These barcodes are then designated as “ 2D Barcodes,” and non-2D barcodes are called “ 1D Barcodes.” Some 2D barcodes can encode up to dozens of kilobytes of data, with features like data compression, macro-barcodes, encryption and error correction algorithms.

BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box also include the standard HP Barcode & More fonts. As a result, OCR-A and OCR-B characters are available and there is then backward compatibility with older applications as well as the legacy HP Barcode&More printer drivers.

A complete set of fully scalable symbols is included:

• The EURO symbol € (the European currency symbol)
• Safety symbols, electronic and manufacturing symbols to include in labels printing

BarDIMM Pro also features the Freescape system. With Freescape, the Escape code can have a synonym, a user-defined Escape Code or Alternate Escape Code (AEC). This character acts exactly like the standard Escape Code when found at the beginning of a regular PCL sequence, and it can be a printable character. This functionality does allow all kinds of systems to use PCL and BarDIMM Pro, even if they cannot send binary data to a printer.

BarDIMM is available in three versions

Canon IR printers HP LaserJet FutureSmart 4/5 printers Any network printer with PCL5 language
Product name Canon Barcode printing Kit-F1 BarDIMM Pro BarDIMM Box
Form factor Activation license USB stick External nano print-server attached to printer
Part number Barcode printing Kit-F1 JM30100X/Y/Z JM30200
Ordering From Canon resellers
Barcode server BarDIMM box

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