Related topics are listed below.
T parameter Esc(s#T (Typeface): barcode symbology
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » T parameter Esc(s#T (Typeface): barcode symbology
Parameter # in Esc(s#T: barcode symbology Barcode ID Symbology Barcode ID Symbology 24600 GTIN12-UPC-A 24620 GTIN/EAN/JAN-8 24601 UPC-A +2 24621 EAN/JAN-8 +2 24602 UPC-A +5 24622…
Barcode Readability
Barcode Readability
The special issue discussed in this section may pertain to all the bar codes or, in some cases, to a specific bar code generated by the BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box products. When Printing with a new Ink Cartridge On some laser or inkjet printers, a slight degradation…
USPS ‘Zebra’ Barcode
Postal barcodes » USPS ‘Zebra’ Barcode
The US Post system has defined the Zebra code. This is a series of diagonal lines to the right of the barcode that serves solely as a visual indication that a tray contains bar-coded mail. The code must not appear on tray labels for non bar-coded mail. This standard…
Barcode programming guide
Barcode programming guide
Generate barcodes using PCL5 printer language commands enhanced by BarDIMM. Barcodes are activated using a font-like escape sequence, generated: from specific developments, where developers write code that generate PCL code with BarDIMM language extensions, from…
Netherlands KIX barcode
Postal barcodes » Netherlands KIX barcode
The Dutch Postal Service is promoting the use of a 4 State barcode to speed mail sorting. This 4 State barcode encodes a 5 to 12 characters string and has a checksum appended to the data. You must make sure you give a valid string to the BarDIMM. !KIX barcode…
USPS Tray barcode
Postal barcodes » USPS Tray barcode
Used since 1997, bar-coded tray labels with a special 25 interleaved barcode are required for automation rate mailings of First-Class, Regular Periodicals, and Regular and Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail letter-size pieces and for First-Class flat-size…
USPS Sack barcode
Postal barcodes » USPS Sack barcode
Since July 1st, 1997, bar-coded sack labels with a special 25 interleaved barcode are required for automation rate Regular Periodicals and Standard Mail flat-size pieces prepared in sacks.
USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode
Postal barcodes » USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode
Used since 2007, the USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode is mandatory for companies looking for greater mail discounts. Syntax for data: barcode ID (2-digit), Special Service (3-digit), Mailer ID (6-digit), Serial number (9-digit), Delivery Point zip code (0, 5, 9 or…
Singapore 4 State barcode
Postal barcodes » Singapore 4 State barcode
The Singapore Postal Service is using the 4 State barcode to speed mail sorting. This 4 State barcode encodes a 6 digits number and has a checksum appended to the data. You must make sure you give a 6 digits number to the BarDIMM, and BarDIMM will calculate and…
German 25 Postal Barcode
Postal barcodes » German 25 Postal Barcode
Those special 25 interleaved codes are used on parcel labels for shipment through the postal service in Germany. Two codes are used on a label: The Leitcode is used to encode the destination area and requires 13 digits The Identcode is used to encode the…
UK Royal Mail 4 State barcode
Postal barcodes » UK Royal Mail 4 State barcode
The UK Postal Service is promoting the use of a 4 State barcode to speed mail sorting. This 4 State barcode encodes a variable number of digits and letters and has a checksum appended to the data. You must make sure you give the correct digits and letters to the…
Text after my barcode is barcoded
Troubleshooting » Text after my barcode is barcoded
Always send any other font selection sequence after the barcode data to tell the printer to stop barcoding. Refer to the PCL5 printer guide from your printer vendor for more information. A sample PCL5 font selection command is (10U (0p8hvbs4099T to select Courier…
v parameter Esc(s#v – bars height
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » v parameter Esc(s#v – bars height
1-D BARCODES: Short bar height in 1/60th of inch (0.42mm) (minimum sizes apply) Example Bar code in size 1 inch (25.4 mm): 60v 2-D BARCODES: QRCode, Aztec 0 Normal 1 Reverse Video MacroPDF417 Barcodes matrix height #1, Number of PDF417 per column before…
Legacy bitmap and scalable barcode font calls compatibility
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » Legacy bitmap and scalable barcode font calls compatibility
BarDIMM Pro supports the following font call commands to ensure compatibility with some legacy bitmap fonts used by some applications. < Esc >(8Y< Esc >(s1p12v0s0b0T10Q GTIN/EAN/JAN 13, no text, encoded < Esc >(10Q< Esc >(s…10000T …
p parameter Esc(s#p – caption text format
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » p parameter Esc(s#p – caption text format
1-D BARCODES: Control if/how human-readable (caption) text is printed with bar code 0 Use default value 1 Don’t print human readable text 2 Print human readable text embedded 3 Print human readable text half-embedded 4 Print human readable text under…
h parameter Esc(s#h – caption text font
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » h parameter Esc(s#h – caption text font
1-D BARCODES: Controls what font is used for the human-readable (caption) text and what color for both bars and caption text Format: DCBA, numeric value, where: A: Typeface 0 Use Courier to print text (default) 1 Use Letter Gothic to print text 2 Use…
b parameter Esc(s#1,#2,#3,#4b – bars
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » b parameter Esc(s#1,#2,#3,#4b – bars
1-D BARCODES: Bar Widths .#1 bar width, first (thin) width in dots (1/600 inch) .#2 bar width, second width in dots (1/600 inch) .#3 bar width, third width in dots (1/600 inch) .#4 bar width, fourth width in…
Code 39 barcode is much longer than it should be, typically as wide as the page
Troubleshooting » Code 39 barcode is much longer than it should be, typically as wide as the page
When you position horizontally the cursor using blanks to put the barcode at the right place, you must send the barcode selection sequence after sending the space characters to move horizontally. If you do not do that, the spaces are part of the barcode data and the…
BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax
A complete PCL5 BarDIMM barcoding command is built by combining different commands and parameters Barcode parameters must be combined in a PCL5 sequence ending with the T parameter, e.g.: (s4p305h24v7,21s7,21b24670T End the data to the barcode with a valid PCL5…
Universal Barcoding Interface
Barcode programming guide » Universal Barcoding Interface
Why the UBI (Universal Barcoding Interface) It is sometime necessary to support legacy PCL5 barcoding sequences present in print flows, when those sequences have been arbitrarily defined by their vendor, or set some permanent parameters such as Freescape by sending a…
How to provide data to BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box
Barcode programming guide » How to provide data to BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box
BarDIMM Barcoding logic BarDIMM Pro manages the whole barcoding complexity for you, there is no need to understand barcoding. It adds barcoding commands to the PCL5 printer language, very close to the text font commands for sake of simplicity. *In this manual, the…
Australia Post 4 State Barcodes
Postal barcodes » Australia Post 4 State Barcodes
Established in 1998, 4 State barcodes are used to allow Australia Post to sort incoming mail via barcode read from letters (those barcodes are totally different from the 4 State barcode used in Singapore). There are three different types of barcodes corresponding…
Swiss QRCode™
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Swiss QRCode™
The Swiss QR code is a modified QRCode symbol that meets very strict requirements and enables the initiation of payments at banks in Switzerland. It is marked with the Swiss cross in the middle. It is scaled automatically to fit the expected surface on documents…
X and error codes on barcodes
Troubleshooting » X and error codes on barcodes
BarDIMM features a built-in debugging system for your bar codes. When an error condition occurs, a X is printed on top of the bars so that reading is stopped, and the error message appear under the barcode. Most error messages are self-explicit. !Err:…
Codablock F
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Codablock F
Codablock F is a 2D barcode developed by ELMICRON, as an extension of CODE 128. Within its capacities, it is possible to cut a given CODE 128 into several pieces and to arrange them in a multiple rows symbol. A Codablock symbol may contain 2 to 44 rows of 1 to 61…
BarDIMM Language Commands Examples
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM Language Commands Examples
Here is an example of a valid BarDIMM language command sequence to select a barcode: < Esc >(s4p102h40v10,30b10,30s24670T< data > 24670T Symbology: code 39, not encoding spaces before/after data 4p Readable text below bars, without…
Barcodes in PCL5 Macros
Troubleshooting » Barcodes in PCL5 Macros
Barcodes calling sequences cannot be inserted in PCL5 macros, but barcode sequence plus barcode data can be inserted in PCL macros. If an application needs to send multiple times the same barcode, it can include it in a PCL macro and invoke it the required number of…
Barcodes on the very top of the page are not printed correctly
Troubleshooting » Barcodes on the very top of the page are not printed correctly
As barcodes are printed at the current cursor position from the baseline to the top of the page, they may not be printed correctly (wrong height or caption text in the middle of the barcode) if there is not enough room on top of that current cursor position. Before…
Default symbology parameters
Barcode programming guide » Default symbology parameters
When the barcode parameters are not defined, the following values are automatically used. Barcode Name Height TextFlag Bar width 1 Bar width 2 Bar width 3 Bar width 4 UPC-A 74 3 8 16 24 32…
Support by SAP
Using BarDIMM from applications » Support by SAP
BarSIMM/BarDIMM, BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box functionalities are supported standard by SAP local spooler (Smartforms etc) SAP OSS notes are available from the web site. OSS note #5196 lists standard R/3 barcode names and supported device…
BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box are intelligent technology solution adding the sophisticated BarDIMM Pro language and advanced capabilities to PCL5 printers. This language provides BARCODE printing capabilities. The only barcode fonts it includes are the fonts of the…
Generic ERP, Linux, AS/400 and Mainframes Support
Using BarDIMM from applications » Generic ERP, Linux, AS/400 and Mainframes Support
Other ERPs and custom developments can use BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box features by including BarDIMM language PCL5 commands in output scripts (using the Freescape char if necessary). On Linux system, AS/400 (in SCS mode only) and Mainframes (in SCS mode only), you…
Special fonts, label, logos
Special fonts, label, logos
BarDIMM features compatibility with the old HP Barcode & More cartridge (C2053A) fonts and includes an extensive scalable logos that can be used together with barcodes, on labels and other documents: Euro symbols, manufacturing, electronics and safety symbols.…
BarDIMM, supported printers, part numbers
BarDIMM, supported printers, part numbers
Barcode technology provides an easy, inexpensive and highly accurate means of data entry and storage for computerized information management systems. Item identification information (e.g., inventory control, work-in-process tracking, distribution tracking, and other…
Barcodes are not readable
Troubleshooting » Barcodes are not readable
Verify your barcode reader is set up to read the symbology you are printing. If you have a doubt, use the sample barcodes printed during the Testing the BarDIMM Pro procedure. If your reader cannot read the barcodes from the test page, it is either defective or the…
Code 39
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Code 39
The real name is “3 of 9 bar code.” It is probably the most commonly used bar code as it encodes not only digits, but also upper-case letters and punctuation. Spaces are encoded as bars. Text is encoded between start and stop characters “ * ” which are…
GS1-128, EAN-128 and UCC-128
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » GS1-128, EAN-128 and UCC-128
Variable length bar code starting with FNC1 code and based on Code 128 sets A, B and C to encode the string. GS1-128 (formerly known as EAN-128 and UCC128) is used for pallets labels and EDI related barcode labels. BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box add automatically the…
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » PDF417
The PDF417 is a high-density 2D barcode created by Symbol Technology and now an ANSI/AIM USA standard, it is read with laser scanner and CCD cameras. This barcode is composed of a stack of rows with small black rectangles arranged in columns. The number of rows and…
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format
There are many standard used to encode the information as bars, that’s called 1 dimension (1D) barcodes. BarDIMM supports most of the 1D Barcode standards.
OCR-A and OCR-B fonts
Barcode programming guide » OCR-A and OCR-B fonts
PCL Escape sequences to call OCR A and B OCR-A: < Esc >(0O< Esc >(sp10h12vsb104T OCR-B: < Esc >(1O< Esc >(sp10h12vsb110T
Macro PDF417
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Macro PDF417
Data too long to be encoded in a PDF symbol can be encoded into a series of linked PDF417 blocks. Macro PDF417 options are similar to the PDF417 barcode options, plus the maximum number of PDF417 symbols per column. When that maximum of blocks is reached a new…
UPC-E (UPC-E0 and UPC-E1)
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » UPC-E (UPC-E0 and UPC-E1)
Ideal for small packages because of its data compression. It contains the same information as the UPC-A except that there are minimum 4 zeros, which are suppressed. It reduces the number of digits from 12 to 6. BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box accept the Zero Suppressed…
UPS MaxiCode™
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » UPS MaxiCode™
The MaxiCode barcode is a 2D barcode that consists of 884 hexagons surrounding a bull’s-eye finder pattern. One bit of information is encoded by one hexagon. Up to 100 characters of information can be encoded in one square inch, which is the approximate fixed size of…
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » GS1-QRCode™
The GS1-QRCode is a special version of the QRCode that can encode GS1 AI (Application Identifier) and non-ASCII FNC1 data separator (it can be inserted in the barcode data but won’t be output by the reader). To insert a FNC1 or Gs character you need to use the…
Aztec Code™
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Aztec Code™
Aztec Code is a 2D matrix barcode symbology*** developed by Welch Allyn designed to combine the best characteristics of several 1st generation symbology, with special attention paid to ease of printing, ease of finding in any orientation, allowance for field…
Code 128
1D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » Code 128
Standard for most barcode labels. Code 128 is a very compact bar code for numeric and alphanumeric strings. It has 3 modes: A, B and C, which encode different range of characters. Code 128 auto is an exclusive BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box feature that allows you to…
GS1/RSS + Composite Component
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » GS1/RSS + Composite Component
A Composite Component is a two dimensional bar code added to a GS1-14 or GS1-Expanded barcode: it is not a true matrixed code, but a stacked linear bar code. CC is bi-directionally decodable therefore can be read with laser scanners. They have a binary-based encoding…
Testing BarDIMM Pro
Testing BarDIMM Pro
Testing BarDIMM Pro *This sub-chapter is only applicable to the BarDIMM Pro product For the BarDIMM Box, please refer to the next sub-chapter. There are two different features built in the BarDIMM Pro: fonts and firmware (the BarDIMM language). They work totally…
Configuring the network and Freescape settings
Attaching the BarDIMM Box to a PCL5 LAN printer » Configuring the network and Freescape settings
BarDIMM Box configuration and Freescape settings can be defined using the bdboxcli.exe Command Line Utility or a USB stick inserted in the BarDIMM Box at boot time. . bdboxcli.exe Command Line utility bdboxcli.exe is a command line interface utility to detect and…
Testing BarDIMM Box
Testing BarDIMM Box
*This sub-chapter is only applicable to the BarDIMM Box product For the BarDIMM Pro, please refer to the previous sub-chapter. Verify you can access the printer web page, by entering its IP address in a browser. If the printer web page is accessible, the BarDIMM…
Code 128, GS1-128 and EAN128 Control Codes
Barcode programming guide » BarDIMM PCL5 Commands Syntax » Code 128, GS1-128 and EAN128 Control Codes
128 Function Codes Code 128, EAN128, GS1-128 have five non-data special control codes, called FUNCTION CODES, and 2 control codes to switch from one 128 set (A, B or C) to another. The switching control codes are used by BarDIMM Pro and BarDIMM Box to force one 128…
OMR marks
Postal barcodes » OMR marks
OMR marks are horizontal or vertical black solid lines found on printed mailing sheets. The mail processing machines check for these lines on every page fed in the system. The tracking of these marks triggers mechanical processes like the folding of all pages that…
Symbology Characteristics
Barcode programming guide » Symbology Characteristics
Calculating the size of a barcode The table below allows to calculate the barcode size for most symbology, by defining how many thin bars will be required to encode the data and the encapsulation/checksum. Barcode type Characters encoded(1) Input…
Tiny/narrow barcodes are sometime not readable
Troubleshooting » Tiny/narrow barcodes are sometime not readable
With all laser printers, very thin lines do not have a perfectly clean edge, due to the toner particle shape, it is not square. The result is that narrow black bars are wider than blank spaces of the same width. One solution is to tune the width by using the B and…
DataMatrix™ and GS1-DataMatrix™
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format » DataMatrix™ and GS1-DataMatrix™
Data Matrix is a high density 2-D matrix code originally developed by RVSI – Acuity CiMatrix that can encode a lot of information in a very small space. The Data Matrix symbology has extensive error correction capabilities using ECC200 error checking. A DataMatrix…
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format
2D Bar Code Formats Characteristics: Usage & format
2D barcodes don’t encode data using bars but using dots, bars or squares positioned vertically and horizontally. To encode data including an Escape character (27 decimal, 1B hexadecimal), data must be enclosed in a transparent mode sequence (please read…
Attaching the BarDIMM Box to the printer
Attaching the BarDIMM Box to a PCL5 LAN printer » Attaching the BarDIMM Box to the printer
Attach the supplied dual sides adhesive tape to the BarDIMM side that does not show the information label. Affix the BarDIMM Box on the back or side of the printer near the printer LAN cable female plug, so that nobody can easily interfere with it, and where it…
Powering the BarDIMM Box
Attaching the BarDIMM Box to a PCL5 LAN printer » Powering the BarDIMM Box
The BarDIMM Box can be powered in two different manners, both are available in the standard product. Powered by the Printer USB Connector or a USB charger The “Jack-tot-USB” is a cable to power the BarDIMM Box from a USB-A female available on the…
Electronic license for HP printers
Electronic license for HP printers
Fleet-wide deployment using an electronic license Some Enterprise Accounts using BarDIMM Pro across all their supported HP printers have access to the BarDIMM Pro “BatchElectronicLicense” deployment option. This requires a contract covering a minimum of…
Upgrading the BarDIMM Box firmware
Attaching the BarDIMM Box to a PCL5 LAN printer » Upgrading the BarDIMM Box firmware
The BarDIMM Box comes pre-loaded with the latest firmware. Some firmware updates may be needed due to new features or fixes. !A valid Celiveo Maintenance & Support contract must cover the BarDIMM Box to have access and be able to load any update, from 90 days after…